Lebanon population 5,598,414 (live)

The population of Lebanon is expected to decrease by 84,000 in 2025 and reach 5,535,000 in 2026. Migration (including immigration and emigration) decreases population by 90,000 people yearly. On average there are 81,169 births and 31,074 deaths in Lebanon per year. Rate of natural increase is approximately 0.89 percent per year. The population density of Lebanon has changed from 254.7 in 1980 to 565.3 in 2023.

Current population 5,598,414 people at present (Saturday 8th of February 2025)
Median Age 36.1 years
Life expectancy 81.2 years
Population density 548.0 per km2
Population of Lebanon from 1960 to 2025 (historical)
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2025 5,606,000 -84,000 (-1.5%) -90,000 36.1 1.69 548 4,990,000 (89.0%)
2024 5,690,000 -93,000 (-1.6%) -140,000 35.6 556 5,058,000 (88.9%)
2023 5,783,000 -92,000 (-1.6%) -140,000 35.1 565 5,133,000 (88.8%)
2022 5,875,000 -82,000 (-1.4%) -140,000 34.6 574 5,208,000 (88.6%)
2021 5,957,000 -63,000 (-1.1%) -140,000 34.1 582 5,274,000 (88.5%)
2020 6,020,000 -46,000 (-0.8%) -140,000 33.6 1.70 588 5,322,000 (88.4%)
2019 0 0 (0.0%) -30,000 33.2 1.70 593 5,355,000 (88.3%)
2018 0 0 (0.0%) -30,000 32.8 1.71 596 5,372,000 (88.2%)
2017 0 0 (0.0%) -30,000 32.4 1.71 595 5,355,000 (88.0%)
2016 0 0 (0.0%) -30,000 32.1 1.72 587 5,280,702 (87.9%)
2015 5,851,479 248,200 (4.2%) -30,000 31.8 1.72 572 5,137,130 (87.8%)
2010 4,337,141 153,985 (3.6%) 250,000 32.1 1.61 424 3,781,250 (87.2%)
2005 3,986,852 123,585 (3.1%) 36,674 30.3 1.75 390 3,451,976 (86.6%)
2000 3,235,366 78,720 (2.4%) 110,022 29.6 2.23 316 2,782,415 (86.0%)
1995 3,033,394 58,754 (1.9%) -5,886 28.3 2.62 297 2,572,925 (84.8%)
1990 2,703,016 26,411 (1.0%) 18,000 27.5 3.00 264 2,246,747 (83.1%)
1985 2,676,583 9,363 (0.4%) -45,608 26.2 3.48 262 2,125,796 (79.4%)
1980 2,605,293 2,727 (0.1%) -42,876 25.1 4.00 255 1,919,371 (73.7%)
1975 2,575,690 40,193 (1.6%) -54,000 24.8 4.44 252 1,725,146 (67.0%)
1970 2,297,389 46,787 (2.0%) -2,000 24.6 4.95 225 1,366,372 (59.5%)
1965 2,092,348 51,141 (2.4%) -14,000 24.7 5.50 205 1,065,737 (50.9%)
1960 1,804,926 59,679 (3.2%) 4,000 25.4 5.74 176 764,260 (42.3%)

In 2024 the population of Lebanon was 5,690,000 and the average age increased from 25.4 in 1960 to 35.6. Urban population has increased from 2,782,415 (86.0%) in 2000 to 4,990,000 (89.0%) in the current year. The population density of Lebanon has changed from 254.7 in 1980 to 565.3 in 2023.

Estimated Population 2020-2050
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2020 0 0 (0.0%) -140,000 33.6 1.70 588 5,322,000 (88.4%)
2025 5,606,000 -84,000 (-1.5%) -90,000 36.1 1.69 548 4,990,000 (89.0%)
2030 5,369,000 -28,000 (-0.5%) -34,000 38.2 1.69 525 4,810,000 (89.6%)
2035 5,336,000 5,000 (0.1%) -4,000 40.1 1.69 522 4,811,000 (90.2%)
2040 5,392,000 10,000 (0.2%) -4,000 41.8 1.69 527 4,891,000 (90.7%)
2045 5,412,000 1,000 (0.0%) -4,000 43.5 1.70 529 4,936,000 (91.2%)
2050 5,412,000 -1,000 (0.0%) -4,000 44.9 1.71 529 4,962,000 (91.7%)

The life expectancy at birth should reach 85.3 (84.4 years for male and 86.2 years for females). Population density will go down to 529.0 people per square kilometer.

Lebanon demographics 2024

The demographics of Lebanon constitutes of 2,782,000 women and 2,824,000 men, which means there are 1,015 men per 1000 women. As far as age distribution goes, 25.9% of population (1,454,196) is 19 or younger, 62.8% of population (3,518,886) is between age 20 and 64 and 11.3% of population (631,236) is over 65.

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