Europe population 741,926,638 (live)

The population of Europe is expected to decrease by 486,000 in 2025 and reach 741,397,000 in 2026. Migration (including immigration and emigration) increases population by 909,864 people yearly.

Current population 741,926,638 people at present (Saturday 8th of February 2025)
Median Age 43.2 years
Population of Europe from 1960 to 2025 (historical)
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2025 741,990,000 -486,000 (-0.1%) 909,864 43.2 563,579,800 (76.0%)
2024 742,476,000 -392,000 (-0.1%) 855,789 43.0 562,218,800 (75.7%)
2023 742,868,000 -312,000 (0.0%) 855,789 42.8 560,814,700 (75.5%)
2022 743,180,000 -241,000 (0.0%) 855,789 42.7 559,374,700 (75.3%)
2021 743,421,000 -174,000 (0.0%) 855,789 42.5 557,899,600 (75.0%)
2020 743,595,000 -88,000 (0.0%) 855,789 42.3 556,402,500 (74.8%)
2019 0 0 (0.0%) 1,057,463 42.2 554,863,500 (74.6%)
2018 0 0 (0.0%) 1,057,463 42.0 553,271,500 (74.4%)
2017 0 0 (0.0%) 1,057,463 41.9 551,632,400 (74.2%)
2016 0 0 (0.0%) 1,057,463 41.7 549,951,057 (74.0%)
2015 741,369,087 1,787,796 (0.2%) 1,057,463 41.5 546,952,662 (73.8%)
2010 735,240,259 1,029,144 (0.1%) 810,936 40.6 535,325,015 (72.8%)
2005 728,723,121 1,021,279 (0.1%) 1,757,809 39.7 523,405,108 (71.8%)
2000 726,053,314 -497,132 (-0.1%) 1,706,080 38.6 515,416,422 (71.0%)
1995 726,533,795 414,173 (0.1%) 741,023 37.5 512,803,491 (70.6%)
1990 720,880,671 2,431,366 (0.3%) 1,045,890 36.6 505,042,656 (70.1%)
1985 706,961,861 2,680,961 (0.4%) 530,697 35.9 487,117,459 (68.9%)
1980 693,444,730 3,385,258 (0.5%) 312,693 35.2 468,271,927 (67.5%)
1975 676,615,017 3,724,621 (0.6%) 389,085 34.5 442,990,198 (65.5%)
1970 656,718,125 3,750,285 (0.6%) 418,412 33.8 414,165,995 (63.1%)
1965 634,844,688 5,787,353 (0.9%) -87,053 33.1 382,570,583 (60.3%)
1960 605,006,708 5,852,520 (1.0%) 45,510 32.6 346,511,650 (57.3%)

In 2024 the population of Europe was 742,476,000 and the average age increased from 32.6 in 1960 to 43.0. Urban population has increased from 515,416,422 (71.0%) in 2000 to 563,579,800 (76.0%) in the current year.

Estimated Population 2020-2050
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2020 0 0 (0.0%) 855,789 42.3 556,402,500 (74.8%)
2025 741,990,000 -486,000 (-0.1%) 909,864 43.2 563,579,800 (76.0%)
2030 737,814,000 -1,078,000 (-0.2%) 910,865 44.0 569,319,200 (77.2%)
2035 731,160,000 -1,449,000 (-0.2%) 910,865 44.8 573,456,700 (78.4%)
2040 723,735,000 -1,487,000 (-0.2%) 910,865 45.3 576,880,300 (79.7%)
2045 716,277,000 -1,509,000 (-0.2%) 910,864 45.7 579,701,800 (80.9%)
2050 708,423,000 -1,672,000 (-0.2%) 910,864 45.9 581,592,400 (82.1%)

Europe demographics 2024

The demographics of Europe constitutes of 382,520,000 women and 359,100,000 men, which means there are 939 men per 1000 women.