British Virgin Islands population 34,000 (live)

The population of British Virgin Islands is expected to grow by 0 in 2024 and reach 34,000 in 2025. The population density of British Virgin Islands has changed from 73.3 in 1980 to 222.1 in 2022.

Current population 34,000 people at present (Friday 26th of April 2024)
Population density 225.7 per km2
Population of British Virgin Islands from 1960 to 2024 (historical)
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2024 34,000 0 (0.0%) 226 17,000 (49.1%)
2023 34,000 1,000 (2.9%) 224 16,000 (48.8%)
2022 33,000 0 (0.0%) 222 16,000 (48.4%)
2021 33,000 0 (0.0%) 220 16,000 (48.1%)
2020 33,000 1,000 (3.0%) 218 16,000 (47.8%)
2019 0 0 (0.0%) 215 15,000 (47.5%)
2018 0 0 (0.0%) 212 15,000 (47.1%)
2017 0 0 (0.0%) 208 15,000 (46.8%)
2016 0 0 (0.0%) 204 14,258 (46.5%)
2015 30,113 525 (1.7%) 201 13,908 (46.2%)
2010 27,224 777 (2.9%) 181 12,154 (44.6%)
2005 23,168 627 (2.7%) 154 10,002 (43.2%)
2000 20,645 457 (2.2%) 138 8,624 (41.8%)
1995 18,427 375 (2.0%) 123 7,447 (40.4%)
1990 16,461 561 (3.4%) 110 6,225 (37.8%)
1985 13,304 573 (4.3%) 89 3,955 (29.7%)
1980 11,002 210 (1.9%) 73 2,502 (22.7%)
1975 10,476 97 (0.9%) 70 2,040 (19.5%)
1970 9,803 182 (1.9%) 65 1,631 (16.6%)
1965 8,814 187 (2.1%) 59 1,259 (14.3%)
1960 8,033 122 (1.5%) 54 982 (12.2%)

In 2023 the population of British Virgin Islands was 34,000Urban population has increased from 8,624 (41.8%) in 2000 to 17,000 (49.1%) in the current year. The population density of British Virgin Islands has changed from 73.3 in 1980 to 222.1 in 2022.

Estimated Population 2020-2050
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2020 0 0 (0.0%) 218 16,000 (47.8%)
2025 34,000 0 (0.0%) 227 17,000 (49.4%)
2030 35,000 0 (0.0%) 235 18,000 (51.1%)
2035 36,000 0 (0.0%) 241 19,000 (52.8%)
2040 37,000 0 (0.0%) 246 20,000 (54.5%)
2045 37,000 0 (0.0%) 249 21,000 (56.1%)
2050 38,000 0 (0.0%) 251 22,000 (57.8%)

up to 250.5 people per square kilometer.

British Virgin Islands demographics 2023

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