Aruba population 108,000 (live)

The population of Aruba is expected to grow by 1,000 in 2024 and reach 108,000 in 2025. Migration (including immigration and emigration) increases population by 161 people yearly. The population density of Aruba has changed from 333.9 in 1980 to 595.3 in 2022.

Current population 108,000 people at present (Wednesday 24th of April 2024)
Median Age 40.8 years
Population density 598.9 per km2
Population of Aruba from 1960 to 2024 (historical)
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2024 108,000 1,000 (0.9%) 161 40.8 599 44,000 (40.5%)
2023 107,000 0 (0.0%) 161 40.5 597 44,000 (40.5%)
2022 107,000 0 (0.0%) 161 40.3 595 43,000 (40.5%)
2021 107,000 1,000 (0.9%) 161 40.2 593 43,000 (40.6%)
2020 106,000 0 (0.0%) 161 39.9 1.79 591 43,000 (40.7%)
2019 0 0 (0.0%) 201 39.7 1.80 589 43,000 (40.8%)
2018 0 0 (0.0%) 201 39.4 1.80 587 43,000 (40.9%)
2017 0 0 (0.0%) 201 39.1 1.80 585 43,000 (41.1%)
2016 0 0 (0.0%) 201 38.9 1.80 582 43,296 (41.3%)
2015 104,341 546 (0.5%) 201 38.6 1.80 580 43,331 (41.5%)
2010 101,669 216 (0.2%) 251 37.1 1.78 565 43,778 (43.1%)
2005 100,031 1,294 (1.3%) -88 35.3 1.77 556 44,889 (44.9%)
2000 90,853 1,848 (2.0%) 1,253 33.9 1.87 505 42,444 (46.7%)
1995 80,324 3,624 (4.5%) 1,385 32.9 2.06 446 39,172 (48.8%)
1990 62,149 1,117 (1.8%) 2,844 32.4 2.25 345 31,273 (50.3%)
1985 63,026 190 (0.3%) -1,039 30.6 2.33 350 31,762 (50.4%)
1980 60,096 116 (0.2%) -384 29.6 2.39 334 30,332 (50.5%)
1975 60,657 129 (0.2%) -1,094 27.8 2.51 337 30,661 (50.5%)
1970 59,063 337 (0.6%) -707 25.5 2.91 328 29,900 (50.6%)
1965 57,360 328 (0.6%) -855 24.1 3.84 319 29,082 (50.7%)
1960 54,211 1,227 (2.2%) -865 23.1 4.82 301 27,526 (50.8%)

In 2023 the population of Aruba was 107,000 and the average age increased from 23.1 in 1960 to 40.5. Urban population has increased from 42,444 (46.7%) in 2000 to 44,000 (40.5%) in the current year. The population density of Aruba has changed from 333.9 in 1980 to 595.3 in 2022.

Estimated Population 2020-2050
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2020 0 0 (0.0%) 161 39.9 1.79 591 43,000 (40.7%)
2025 108,000 0 (0.0%) 129 41.0 1.79 601 44,000 (40.5%)
2030 109,000 0 (0.0%) 104 41.7 1.79 608 45,000 (41.0%)
2035 110,000 0 (0.0%) 83 42.4 1.79 611 46,000 (42.2%)
2040 109,000 -1,000 (-0.9%) 67 42.8 1.79 608 48,000 (43.8%)
2045 108,000 0 (0.0%) 54 43.2 1.79 601 49,000 (45.6%)
2050 107,000 0 (0.0%) 54 43.4 1.80 592 50,000 (47.3%)

The life expectancy at birth should reach 80.4 (78.5 years for male and 82.4 years for females). Population density will go up to 592.2 people per square kilometer.

Aruba demographics 2023

The demographics of Aruba constitutes of 57,000 women and 51,000 men, which means there are 895 men per 1000 women. As far as age distribution goes, 22.7% of population (24,516) is 19 or younger, 60.2% of population (65,016) is between age 20 and 64 and 17.0% of population (18,317) is over 65.

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