Bahamas population 425,181 (live)

The population of Bahamas is expected to grow by 4,000 in 2025 and reach 428,000 in 2026. Migration (including immigration and emigration) increases population by 1,000 people yearly. On average there are 5,423 births and 3,101 deaths in Bahamas per year. Rate of natural increase is approximately 0.55 percent per year. The population density of Bahamas has changed from 21.0 in 1980 to 41.7 in 2023.

Current population 425,181 people at present (Wednesday 22nd of January 2025)
Median Age 37.2 years
Life expectancy 76.9 years
Population density 42.4 per km2
Population of Bahamas from 1960 to 2025 (historical)
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2025 425,000 4,000 (0.9%) 1,000 37.2 1.71 42 356,000 (83.8%)
2024 421,000 3,000 (0.7%) 1,000 36.9 42 353,000 (83.7%)
2023 418,000 4,000 (1.0%) 1,000 36.6 42 349,000 (83.6%)
2022 414,000 3,000 (0.7%) 1,000 36.3 41 346,000 (83.5%)
2021 411,000 4,000 (1.0%) 1,000 36.0 41 342,000 (83.4%)
2020 407,000 4,000 (1.0%) 1,000 35.7 1.74 41 339,000 (83.3%)
2019 0 0 (0.0%) 1,000 35.5 1.74 40 335,000 (83.2%)
2018 0 0 (0.0%) 1,000 35.2 1.75 40 332,000 (83.1%)
2017 0 0 (0.0%) 1,000 35.0 1.76 40 328,000 (83.0%)
2016 0 0 (0.0%) 1,000 34.6 1.77 39 324,531 (83.0%)
2015 386,838 4,669 (1.2%) 1,000 34.3 1.78 39 320,588 (82.9%)
2010 360,832 5,976 (1.7%) 1,934 32.8 1.87 36 297,863 (82.5%)
2005 329,249 6,723 (2.0%) 2,873 31.1 1.86 33 270,906 (82.3%)
2000 297,890 4,318 (1.5%) 3,097 29.2 2.07 30 244,297 (82.0%)
1995 280,150 4,255 (1.5%) -619 27.6 2.51 28 226,812 (81.0%)
1990 256,336 4,487 (1.8%) -79 26.5 2.64 26 204,654 (79.8%)
1985 234,687 4,672 (2.0%) -220 25.4 2.86 23 179,944 (76.7%)
1980 210,661 4,629 (2.2%) 36 24.6 2.99 21 153,997 (73.1%)
1975 188,882 3,783 (2.0%) 558 24.3 3.23 19 132,250 (70.0%)
1970 169,354 5,106 (3.0%) 177 23.9 3.53 17 113,068 (66.8%)
1965 140,054 6,356 (4.5%) 2,816 23.6 4.06 14 88,714 (63.3%)
1960 109,528 5,580 (4.9%) 2,871 24.0 4.50 11 65,401 (59.7%)

In 2024 the population of Bahamas was 421,000 and the average age increased from 24.0 in 1960 to 36.9. Urban population has increased from 244,297 (82.0%) in 2000 to 356,000 (83.8%) in the current year. The population density of Bahamas has changed from 21.0 in 1980 to 41.7 in 2023.

Estimated Population 2020-2050
Year Population Year change Migrants Median age Fertility rate Density (Ppl/km2) Urban population
2020 0 0 (0.0%) 1,000 35.7 1.74 41 339,000 (83.3%)
2025 425,000 4,000 (0.9%) 1,000 37.2 1.71 42 356,000 (83.8%)
2030 440,000 3,000 (0.7%) 1,000 38.6 1.70 44 371,000 (84.4%)
2035 452,000 2,000 (0.4%) 1,000 39.9 1.70 45 384,000 (85.0%)
2040 461,000 1,000 (0.2%) 1,000 41.1 1.70 46 396,000 (85.7%)
2045 469,000 2,000 (0.4%) 1,000 42.0 1.71 47 405,000 (86.4%)
2050 475,000 1,000 (0.2%) 1,000 42.9 1.72 47 413,000 (87.0%)

The life expectancy at birth should reach 80.7 (78.5 years for male and 83.1 years for females). Population density will go up to 47.4 people per square kilometer.

Bahamas demographics 2024

The demographics of Bahamas constitutes of 217,000 women and 208,000 men, which means there are 959 men per 1000 women. As far as age distribution goes, 26.1% of population (110,883) is 19 or younger, 61.4% of population (260,950) is between age 20 and 64 and 12.2% of population (52,020) is over 65.

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